God With Us: The Promise of His Presence
You may be dealing right now with a measure of stress, anxiety or even burnout. Engrossed with assignments, caroling goals and a never ending list of things to do. Amidst the busyness of this season, let’s not forget one of the key messages of Christmas.
“Sana All”
Every generation creates slang terms that become popular among the people of its time. Slang evolves as societies change, often driven by pop-culture, technology, and social movements.
Play the Part: Embracing the Privilege to be an Instrument
Have you ever felt like every day is just a routine, and you’re on autopilot? Especially during the cold, dark winter days, when everything seems ordinary—or even burdensome?
He Is Still The Miracle Working God
The unfolding of God’s miraculous works are often preceded by doubts, fears, and questions.
The Christmas Invitation
Maybe this is God’s plan for you to be used as an instrument to come across a soul in need of healing and forgiveness.
Good News in a World of Bad Views
If there is a certain group that has all the reason in the world to enjoy Christmas, it is us 4th Watchers. Our hearts must be flowing with joy, just as that of the shepherds’ during the first Christmas.
All We Really Want For Christmas Is…
As believers, we are called to be like Christ in the way He sees the world.
Do They Know It’s Christmas?
While physical hunger must never be ignored, we as believers are called to address this deeper hunger by sharing the Gospel to all.
The King Has Come: Submitting to Christ’s Rule Over Us
The coming of a King was prophesied many times across the Old Testament, but still the news prompted different responses.