• Rendezvous With the Resurrected 

    Read: Philippians 3:7-11 Had the risen Lord Jesus not apprehend Saul, nothing would have stopped him in his deathly tracts. He was sincere but sincerely wrong. So convinced was he of his beliefs that he was willing to kill for it. But his rendezvous with the Risen on the road to Damascus confronted, converted, and…

  • The Resurrection Power-Spawned Hope

    Read: 1 Peter 1:1-9 1 Peter is one of the general epistles of the Bible, the others being James, John, and Jude. Written by Apostle Peter between 64 AD and 65 AD, 1 Peter was written shortly after the burning of Rome in July of 64 AD to strengthen the believers who were undergoing escalating…

  • The Resurrection Power in the Daily 

    Read: Ephesians 1:18-20 Fighting death is the ultimate goal of medical science. The strength, power, and efficacy of a medicine is based on its ability to cure illness or prevent death from happening. Undoubtedly, a number of medical advances have resulted in prolonged lives, low mortality rate, and prevention and cure of diseases.  But until…

  • Because He Lives!

    Read: 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 Today we start a new theme in our March month-long Lenten Season devotionals. We started with Christ’s suffering, then we moved on to His death, and for the next five days our devotionals will revolve around His resurrection. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the second component of the…

  • Favour Foregoing Friendship

    Read: Romans 5:6-11 Have you ever had an enemy? I hope as a child of God you don’t have any because God has transformed the hearts of His children that we have learned to forgive. However, most likely there has been someone in your life you once considered as an enemy, owing probably to a…

  • A Firm Foundation Forged From Frailty

    Read:  1 Corinthians 3:10-15 When we think of a foundation, we think of something sturdy and strong, certainly not something depicting weakness and defeat, such as death. But death is actually the very foundation of our faith, the death of Christ, which is one of the twin events upon which Christianity was founded, His resurrection…

  • The Rewards of Righteous Suffering

    Read: Revelation 22:10-13 Parents have an effective trick up their sleeves to get their children to do something, which, by the way, could be quite a challenge. This is the age-old giving of rewards.  And it almost always works.  Rewards are effective incentives to get people to do something, even if it means that they…

  • God’s Grace Came Through Suffering 

    Read: Isaiah 61:1-3 I became fatherless at the tender age of five. But mourning came later; much, much later; gradually, in increments of age and certain occasions.  I mourned years later when I stumbled upon photos of my eight months pregnant mother, my two younger siblings, aged four and three, and the five-year-old me in…

  • As Sure As The Sun Comes Up

    It was a night not as restful as the previous ones. I get up with a tinge of anxiety in my heart. But I welcome the day, and I welcome the light. One of the things I love doing in the morning is to draw open the six-panel blackout curtains in the pastoral house living…

  • Care for Some Pampering?

    Who doesn’t want to be pampered? Have you ever splurged on a health and wellness session or product? And you did it because you listened to a little voice inside of you saying, “Come on, just this once. You deserve it. It’s not everyday you get to treat yourself this way.” In Filipino, “Minsan lang…