The Passion for Growth 

by Ptr. Miziel Zonio

Reading for the day: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Are you someone who loves plants? Or you probably are someone who has a green thumb? 

“Plantita” (female) and “plantito” (male) are informal terms used to describe individuals who have a passion for plants and enjoy nurturing them. It’s a term of endearment for plant lovers in the Philippines. 

I have always been fascinated by people who love gardening. I remember when I was a bible student, one of our job spec was to do gardening around the church. Under the heat of the sun, we would till the land, pull out the weeds, plant the seeds and water them and wait until what we planted bloomed and grew. We would do this every single day during spring and summer time. We would plant flowers around the church— corn, tomatoes, green beans, and varieties of vegetables in the backyard. We would also go to the Ontario Food Terminal to find the choicest seedlings and we would meet all these local farmers who would happily and proudly show to us their products— the fruits of their labours. 

And as someone who lived in the city, who had no experience of farming, I thought to myself, “Man, gardening is hard! You need passion to do this!” 

Yet despite all the tiredness of our body from gardening. Our unevenly tanned skin from the heat of the sun, the hours you have invested in the garden—  all these are all worth it when I would visit the garden and see the plants budding and growing, it gave me a different kind of joy, especially when I can already harvest and use the freshly harvested vegetables when I cook for the pastoral staff. What a joy!

And this experience has taught me a significant lesson: you need passion for growth. 

You need to do the hard work, invest the hours and all resources needed in order to achieve growth. 

You need to do the hard work, invest the hours and all resources needed in order to achieve growth. 

No wonder when our late Apostle Arsenio said, “Palalakihin ko ito.” (I will make this grow), pertaining to what God has entrusted to him, for fifty long years, worked tirelessly to fulfill his life-long passion of growth. He tilled and toiled the land for harvest. The Apostle Arsenio Ferriol invested not only his time and financial resources, but he invested his whole life. 

Some people may call it obsession, others may label it insanity, but we call it passion. Growth was his passion! And the late Apostle laboured, not only to see sprouts in us, but  “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13)

Like a farmer who worked, slept, and woke up at the field, Apostle Arsenio did the same. After many years of sowing and planting, the Lord has made the PMCC (4th Watch) grow! He made us to be “the fastest growing Pentecostal Church in Asia!” according to the author of the book, Asian and Pentecostal: The Charismatic Face of Christianity in Asia. 

Through Apostle Arsenio’s passion for growth, we have reached more than 70 countries all over the globe. 

The process of growing the church was long, strenuous and laborious, until the Good Farmer had to rest. May 19, 2024 marks the last day of the earthly labour of our good Apostle. 

Apostle Jonathan said, 

“But there are times that even the strong had to rest, and the purest among us had to succumb to the corruption of death. That inevitable hour sadly had come. For the best among us is now gone. The Goodman of the House is gone, but the House he left must and will remain good and strong until the day that we will see once more Jesus, the founder and builder, and the foundation of the church, alongside Him, the Goodman of the House.”

Our beloved Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol, the good farmer may be gone, but the seeds of passion, the seedlings of growth have been planted in the hearts of every 4th Watcher!

Just as this is true to the entire church, bringing it closer to home, I also see this in our church here in Vancouver. Since the launch of Reaching Regions and Beyond and Canada Caribbean Commission in the District of Canada, the brethren have invested much in nurturing our extension worships in Port Hardy and Victoria. 

4 1/2 hours of driving plus 2 hours of ferry ride (this does not include pit stops), with no signal, and no street lights for the majority of the ride, with the danger of crossing wildlife were what you needed to battle in order to reach Port Hardy. If that is not passion, I do not know what you want to call it. The brethren took turns to go to Port Hardy even during the pandemic. And by the grace of God, we now have a full fledged church there. 

And soon, we believe by God’s mercy and grace, our RRB initiatives in Victoria will one day be crowned with success. Recently, we held our Apostolic Missionary Day in that city, and our dear District Coordinator, Presbyter Joseph mentioned, “I am blessed to witness the growing work of God in Victoria. Our gathering here in Victoria is not just a fellowship, but a statement of faith that we will plant a church here.” 

And thanks be to God, He gave us another growth passionate leader in the person of Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol. His passion for growth is something that you cannot miss. Through one Home Free after another, from one country to another, he would sow the seeds of the gospel. As he launched the year of 2025 as the year of increase, through his indefatigable efforts, the  church is being brought to greater heights and higher dimensions of growth. 

‘Growth Passionate’, as the Apostle Jonathan coined this word to describe the Apostolic culture in the church, so is he. Apostle Jonathan’s passion for growth was not merely a concept but a lived reality. 

The entire church is on board with this growth initiative, as well as the Canada District, rallying behind our Apostle. Which is why this coming May 25, 2025, Home Free’s next stop will be here in Canada! We believe that with our united efforts, it will be God who will give the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:6)

And yes, it may seem like unending labour, just like a farmer who spends endless hours laboring over the crops. But, even through all the hard work, at the end of the day, the job is not yet done.  But remember, just like everything in life, if you want something to grow or increase, you need to put in the work and investment. In a world that values instant results, we sometimes expect growth with minimal investment. But this is not how growth works. There are no shortcuts to growth. 

To achieve growth, we need to think like a farmer, or a gardener, or like a plantito or plantita. Just like what James said, 

“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand” (James 5:7–8 ESV).

Be patient in your prayers. 

Be invested in your giving.

Be committed in your soul winning. 

Tire we must, but do not get weary. 

Question we must, but do not doubt. 

Rest we must, but do not stop. 

​​An abundant harvest is sure to come!  

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9) 

Reflection: What are the things you are personally doing in your walk with God to channel your passion for growth?


5 responses to “The Passion for Growth ”

  1. Gertrude Yanga Avatar
    Gertrude Yanga

    Praise God! Thank you Pastor Miziel for this very inspiring devotional. God bless po your ministry and the locale church of Vancouver.

  2. Genalyn Pascua Avatar
    Genalyn Pascua

    Praise the Lord! Thank you so much, Ptr. Miz for your wonderful, edifying article! I was blessed reading it. God bless you more and more!

    1. Miziel Rivera Avatar
      Miziel Rivera

      To God be the glory! Thanks Ptr. Gen for the trust.❤️

  3. Valda Menzie Avatar
    Valda Menzie

    Praise God hallelujah Amen.Thank you ptr Miziel For such exhortation and how we plant 🪴 the seeds, and water it, and the Lord made it grow. To be a gardener! It a wonderful moments when the reaping of the fruits are ready for harvesting;it takes a hard laboring to produce healthy crops. So that we can enjoy the moment gathering, the fruits of life,until christ returns.

  4. Editha Campos Avatar
    Editha Campos

    Praise God,Thank you Ptr.Miz. Truly, sowing the seeds and tending the plants needs sacrifices but it’s full of joy in harvesting. As we could see our labor is not in vain for families that restore, life transformed and renewed is a wonderful work of the Lord. I’m so thankful to God for the ministry of our beloved late Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol. Our family is a living testimony of his calling. And as God had been merciful to us, I would like to also bring souls to for the lost and to edify the saints. Please help me God…

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