The Apostolic Legacy of Prayer

by Elder Aries de Vera

Reading for the day: Matthew 6:9-13

Legacy is the long-lasting impact of a person or group of people, particular events, actions, etc., that took place in the past, and is handed down from one generation to the next.  Many people or groups of people have left long-lasting legacies in this world.  In the church, the apostles in particular have left indelible marks in our lives and in our faith.  These apostolic legacies have become our guide in our quest and journey towards perfection.

One of the legacies that has been passed on to us is our devotion to prayer.  In the book of Acts, we can see the examples of the early church, a community of believers who were devoted to prayer (Acts 2:42). They uphold the value and significance of prayer in their lives.  They fully understood its power to connect with God, to seek His counsel, and to receive divine empowerment. This devotion to prayer was not something new to them but rather a legacy passed down from apostles themselves, who learned it from our Lord Jesus Christ.  

The duties of the apostles is to teach the ways of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:17).  And one of the disciplines that the apostles has taught us is our devotion to prayer.  Christ is the perfect example with regards to prayer.  Jesus, throughout His ministry, modeled a life of prayer. He Himself gave importance to it.  Before we had this SPA (Spiritual Place of Accord) devotionals and meditation program, Jesus had His “me time” for reflection and withdrew to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16). He taught His disciples the proper way of praying and gave them the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). And in His final hours before being arrested by the Romans soldiers, He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, submitting to the will of the Father (Matthew 26:36-44).

The things that the early disciples have seen from our Lord became their model.  The apostles followed Jesus’ legacy, making prayer a central and vital part of their lives and ministry. They prayed together with the other believers (Acts 1:14) while also seeking guidance and courage in their mission (Acts 4:29-31). They prayed for the sick, the poor and for the needs of the church.  They even attributed their success in ministry to their prayers (Acts 6:4).

 “And will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”

And these are the same things that we are seeing in our time.  This is the same kind of devotion that we continue and observe in the Church.   This apostolic legacy is the pattern that we are following in our service to God. 

And this is one of the legacies that the Goodman of the House, our late Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol, has instilled in us that is being continued by his successor, Apostle Jonathan Santos Ferriol.  The legacy that the Goodman of the House left us is to live an extraordinary life of prayer. This is one of the apostolic lifestyles that we should keep and live by. 

When I was new in the faith, as a young believer, I did not get the idea of waking up as early as 4:30 in the morning to attend the prayer devotion.  For me it was just a regular routine that I can simply ignore.  I can attend or simply go on with my sleep.  Little that I know that the daily prayer devotion is not just a fixed scheduled service in the Church but an avenue for each one to experience God’s moving power.  

This apostolic legacy of prayer is a treasure that we must preserve and observe. It reminds us that prayer is not just a religious or traditional duty, but a powerful means of grace and mercy. Through prayers, we are connecting with God, who hears our pleas and petitions and answers them according to His will.

Let us, therefore, follow the example of Jesus and the apostles, and make prayer a priority in our lives. Let us keep the legacy of the Goodman of the House, our late beloved Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol burning in our hearts. Let us trust in the power of prayer to transform lives and bring us closer to God.  May we all find solace in the arms of God as we embrace this apostolic legacy of prayer.  Let us draw near to God in every season of our lives and may our prayers be a testament to our faith and an overflowing source of strength and blessing for ourselves and others.  

Reflection: How are you observing the apostolic legacy of prayer?  Share your testimonies on how praying to God transformed and changed your lives.


4 responses to “The Apostolic Legacy of Prayer”

  1. Brenda Cruz Avatar
    Brenda Cruz

    Truly and Indeed prayers 🙏 made a lot of difference and miracles not only in my spiritual journey but also with my family , loved ones and friends lives. If we all pray unceasingly together and for one another 🙏, God will bless and hear our prayers. Praying is our openline connection to God and as my reflection in Journaling my daily devotion to our Lord, I call it my “Faithbook”. As our daily devotion is part of our biography in our spiritual journey in this Life.💖To God be all the Glory 🙏🙌

  2. Sis. Elizabeth Santos Avatar
    Sis. Elizabeth Santos

    I used to pray the repetitive prayer or the rosary before I became a 4th watcher , now by God’s grace I’m now in the True Church which is being led by the living Apostle, I learned to pray in an Apostolic way , and by the grace of God, I have peace and joy when I pray 🙏, everyday I talk to God through prayer😇

  3. Editha Campos Avatar
    Editha Campos

    Praise God for this legacy passed on to us by our Lord Jesus and our late beloved Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol. Like Sis.Elizabeth, I also learned on how to pray in the right way when I was baptized in this church. For me, I believe that prayer is a breath of a real Christian. It makes a big impact in my life. It help me to be humble in the sight of God, help me to mirror myself of my sins and remind me not to do it again. It taught me to be thankful, also means to de-stress me emotionally and a way of talking to God just like face to face. There are so many things that TRUE PRAYER could do to our life and I believe that it is also one way of preparing ourselves soon to see our Lord in RAPTURE. I believe in the saying that a ” Prayerful Christian is Powerful”. As I could see, a prayerless Christian, though he might be eloquent and reading the word of God and serving Him but without prayer, he is spiritually dead. May God help me and our household not to neglect praying. Thank you Lord.

  4. Ptr. Gen Concepcion Avatar
    Ptr. Gen Concepcion

    I used to be so bored kneeling down in prayer, and 5 minutes felt like forever. But as a new believer I admired those who prayed way past my 5-minute prayer. Now prayer is something I treasure. I think praying long is a result of one’s love for God becoming deeper. Spending time with God in prayer is us enjoying His presence, very much like when we enjoy spending time with loved ones and friends. So how’s your relationship with God? You can gauge it through your prayer life. We thank God for the apostolic teachings and practices taught to us by the Bible and by our living leaders, mainly our apostles, past and present. Thank you, Elder Aries, for writing this piece for us. Praise the Lord!

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