by Presbyter Joseph Concepcion
Reading for the day: Psalm 11:.73-80
Today is the last day of the year 2024, and in a few hours, we will welcome the new year. It is always nice to look back on the past year and appreciate what God has done in our lives, in His church, and in the world. I know that we can learn some lessons as we reminisce about the past year. As a pastor and administrator of the churches here in Canada and the Caribbean, I cannot help but be thankful to God for what He has done in this place and in the church as a whole. When we remember and reflect on this year, we will be brought to appreciate God’s power working in our midst.
As it says in 1 Corinthians 2:5, “so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power,” our faith is grounded on the power of God.
The more you experience the power of God, the more you can put your trust in Him. It is hard to trust someone or something that is not tested. That is why once you have an encounter with God’s power, once you test the power of God in your life and faith, you see yourself growing in your reliance and trust in Him. You can trust Him now, tomorrow, and throughout this coming new year, 2025.
Let’s hear Him say in Joshua 1:9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
This verse has become my life verse since I moved here in Canada. I was new and naive on the job given to me as a coordinator, but the words of God kept me believing and trusting that God will be with me wherever I go. These truths are something that encourages us to face the new year.
What are some takeaways we can learn from the past year? Let us look at some major events that transpired in our church, and hopefully learn some nuggets of truths that will guide us for the coming new year.
First, our God is a MIRACLE WORKING GOD. This year we have witnessed the miracles of God in His church and our lives. The construction of the Edmonton Building is a miracle from God. It is a miracle because there are many challenges that we faced before we were able to build it. We were faced with financial challenges. We do not have enough money to build it. But God is a miracle working God. Our late Apostle, the Goodman of the House, Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol and our current Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol, both helped us finance half of the total expense of the construction of the building. The other half is another miracle from God, because it came from you, the members of the churches here in Canada. I want to take this opportunity as well to thank all of you who generously gave and supported our Kingdom Building Fund.

We also faced different challenges along the way, from neighbours disputing the construction of the building down to the delays in obtaining legal permits. But God showed another miracle by giving us victory over the Edmonton Tribunal Council who decided in our favor after hours of deliberation. Another one on my list was the fire in the basement just hours before the Opening Night of the 2024 CDC. Yes, you heard me, there was a fire in the basement! All the sprinklers went off! The basement of the new church was flooded and the culprit was the lechon. We laugh at it now but it was nerve wracking at the time. To cut the long story short, with all these challenges we’ve seen miracles after miracles from God. I believe that this coming new year, God will continue to perform and show miracles to us and His church.

“You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples,” Psalm 77:14.
Secondly, God is a COMFORTING GOD. This year, the PMCC (4th Watch) faced one of our most challenging tests to date. We could say it has been the most painful year in our history as a church. Our Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol went home with God. His passing was felt all throughout the world. And even until now, I still mourn whenever I think of him and his impact in my life. I believe that many of you share this sentiment with me. But despite his passing, God was there to comfort us with His words.
“May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant,” Psalm 119:76.
God’s promises comfort believers in times of sorrow.

God’s comfort came as well in the calling of a new apostle who will take care of His church. God did not leave us orphans but He raised another apostle to lead the Church towards perfection. Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol is God’s avenue to comfort the Church in the passing of the Goodman of the House.

“He will not leave us nor forsake us,” Hebrews 13:5.
We do not know what this coming year has in store for us, but if ever we feel down, lonely or sorrowful, remember that we have a God who will comfort us.
Lastly, we can learn from this passing year that our God is a SUSTAINING GOD. The PMCC (4th Watch) of Canada celebrated its 30th year together with the Toronto locale. To reach that milestone speaks a lot about what God did to us. He is our God who has been sustaining us. He sustains us with His grace, spirit, and through the ministry of His church.

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you,” Isaiah 46:4.
I love this verse because it captures how God sustains His children. God will sustain our faith, service, and life. And to know that God is our sustainer, what is stopping us from trusting Him more?
What is stopping us from dedicating more? What is stopping us from serving Him more?
Our experiences might be different from year to year, but I believe that our God and His attributes will remain constant and relevant through the years and in whatever situations you will go through in life and faith. Because our God is immutable, meaning He is never changing.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever,” Hebrews 13:8
May these lessons from this year help us face the new year. Let us remember that we are serving a Miracle Working God, a Comforting God, and a God that will Sustain us today, tomorrow, and the new year.
Reflection What are your experiences this year that speaks of God’s miracle, comfort, and sustenance? What makes you confident to face 2025 with peace, hope, and confidence?
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