• Jesus at the Center

    by Sis. Elaine Medina Reading of the Day: Colossians 1:17–18 The word “Christian” means very different things to people today. For some, it’s a family tradition. For others, it’s a word they associate with upbringing, routine, or religious identity. It appears in bios, hashtags, and social media profiles—but often, it stops there. It’s become possible…

  • The Passion for Growth 

    by Ptr. Miziel Zonio Reading for the day: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Are you someone who loves plants? Or you probably are someone who has a green thumb?  “Plantita” (female) and “plantito” (male) are informal terms used to describe individuals who have a passion for plants and enjoy nurturing them. It’s a term of endearment for…

  • Thriving as We are Uniting

    The world we live in celebrates individualism—the pursuit of personal success, independence, and self-promotion. This mindset can cause division, competition, and a lack of collaboration. But God calls us to something different.

  • Authority Strong for the Year of Increase 

    by Ptr. Gen Concepcion Reading of the day: Ephesians 3:16 Year of increase! Let’s work and not cease; Daily we pray and labor, Let’s go for forty-four! This is the PMCC (4th Watch) of Toronto’s evangelistic rallying cry this year in response to Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol’s mandate that 2025 is going to be a…

  • Celebrating the Apostolic Culture

    by Presbyter Joseph Concepcion Reading for the day: Acts 2:42 It is important that we, the church of Christ in the fourth watch, preserve our apostolic culture. The early church, when Jesus Christ was taken from them, did not scatter because they held on and continued in the apostolic culture. “They devoted themselves to the…

  • Leading our Families to God

    by Elder Aries de Vera Reading for the day: 1 Timothy 3:15 Family is a precious gift, the cornerstone of society, and a foundational element in God’s plan. It’s a place where love flourishes, relationships are nurtured, and God’s presence is felt. As parents, spouses, and children, we each play a vital role in cultivating…

  • Chosen to Serve God

    by Elder Aries de Vera Reading for the day: Joshua 24:14-15 Life is full of choices.  It is a series of decisions that shape our experiences and define our lives.  That’s why we are always in a dilemma to pick the right choice.  There’s a never ending cycle of choosing the best one for our…

  • The Apostolic Legacy of Prayer

    by Elder Aries de Vera Reading for the day: Matthew 6:9-13 Legacy is the long-lasting impact of a person or group of people, particular events, actions, etc., that took place in the past, and is handed down from one generation to the next.  Many people or groups of people have left long-lasting legacies in this…

  • The Master Plan: Seeking God in the New Year

    The new year brings a sense of anticipation and a desire for a fresh start. It’s a time for reflection on the past and for setting goals for the future. But how do we ensure that our plans for the new year are not just wishful thinking, but a roadmap towards a fulfilling and God-honoring…

  • Labour Day Meditation

    Labour Day is a holiday that seeks to celebrate and commemorate the people who fought hard for the rights we enjoy today as employees, such as eight-hour workdays, minimum wage, workplace safety standards, overtime pay, parental leave, and many more.