by Sis. Elaine Medina
Reading of the Day: Colossians 1:17–18
The word “Christian” means very different things to people today. For some, it’s a family tradition. For others, it’s a word they associate with upbringing, routine, or religious identity. It appears in bios, hashtags, and social media profiles—but often, it stops there. It’s become possible to wear the name without living the life.
During the time of the early church, being called a Christian was actually an insult. The name was first used in Antioch to mock the disciples. “Little Christs,” they sneered (Acts 11:26). Yet what was meant as ridicule actually became the highest compliment—they were a group of people who were like Christ!
Today, the name Christian should still carry the same weight—not just a title, but a testimony. Not just something we say, but something we live.
To be like Christ means to be Jesus Focused. It means keeping Him at the center of every part of our life—not just our worship, but our work. Not just our beliefs, but our behavior.
Paul writes in Colossians 1:17–18:
“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
And He is the head of the body, the church;
He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead,
so that in everything He might have the supremacy.”
So that in everything. Not just in church. Not just in moments we’ve labeled as worship, but in every aspect of life. Whether we’re at work, at home, serving in ministry, or enjoying our own quiet moments, our aim ought to remain the same: to live in a way that reflects who He is.
Living with Jesus at the center means we don’t merely admire who He is—we strive to become more like Him. His patience in our frustration. His integrity in our decisions. His compassion in our conversations. It’s not just about knowing His words; it’s about walking in His ways.
“God doesn’t want us to be mere fans, but He wants us to be followers!”
In other words, he wants us to be disciples.
There is a saying: “God doesn’t want us to be mere fans, but He wants us to be followers!” In other words, he wants us to be disciples.
This is what we champion as a church. To follow the ways of Christ as taught by His apostles! (1 Corinthians 11:1)
The reason we gather isn’t because of great music, performances or as a social club—it’s because of Jesus. He’s the reason for our worship. He’s the message we proclaim. Solus Christus. Christ Alone.
That’s why we have the Home Free Global Crusade—not just as an event, but as a platform to share Jesus with as many people as possible. Every message, every altar call, every soul reached is all about pointing people back to Christ. This isn’t simply an event—this is the great commission in action! It is the end-time mission: to see lives changed, transformed, and reborn in Christ!
So let’s not settle for a version of Christianity that only exists in name. Let’s live the kind of life that makes people see Jesus—through how we love, how we lead, and how we serve. The world doesn’t need more people who simply say they’re Christians. It needs believers who live like Christ is truly at the center, and win others for Him!
That’s why we have the Home Free Global Crusade—not just as an event, but as a platform to share Jesus with as many people as possible. Every message, every altar call, every soul reached is all about pointing people back to Christ.

Reflection: Is Jesus truly at the center of your daily life or just a part of your weekly rhythm? In what areas can we better reflect our life in Christ?
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