by Sis. Abby Bico
Reading for the day: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
“Magkaisa kayo sapagkat kung hindi kayo magkakaisa, wala kayong panalo.”
Be united because if you’re divided, you won’t prevail.
These were the words of encouragement of our late Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol, the Goodman of the House, and these words continue to resonate loud and clear in our church today. Unity was always on the mind of our late apostle and continues to be the call of our Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol, demonstrating its value to our apostolic identity.
“Be united because if you’re divided, you won’t prevail”
Apostle Arsenio Tan Ferriol
The world we live in celebrates individualism—the pursuit of personal success, independence, and self-promotion. This mindset can cause division, competition, and a lack of collaboration. But God calls us to something different. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Apostle Paul reminds us that though we are many members, we are one body. Each member has a unique role, but it is the unity of those parts that enables the church to function effectively.
When the church operates in unity, it overcomes the pull of individualism and becomes a beacon of selflessness and collective purpose. Rather than competing for attention or accolades, we work together to bring glory to God. No wonder, the sent-ones of God themselves are prime examples of keeping the unity in the church, teaching and demonstrating to us the laying down of our personal agendas and embracing the call to serve as one.
The driving force of unity in the church is love. True love and care for the church is not just about attendance or contributing when convenient. It is about caring deeply for the work of God and its advancement. Those who love the church will naturally unite in every way for its sake. This kind of unity is not based on superficial agreements or preferences but on a shared commitment to God’s purpose for His people. Simply put, because we care, we unite.
Just recently, I’ve witnessed this in my local church as we moved into a new and bigger space. The members collaborated in the midst of their busy and tiring schedules to volunteer in helping out clean and prepare our new house of worship. As a leader, it brought me so much joy to see them unite out of their love and care for the church.

In our district, as we approach our most-awaited event of the year, our Home Free Global Crusade in Edmonton, we held our Home Free fund drive, and saw how the churches all over Canada showed their partnership and unity through their financial and generous support.

Our apostolic identity continues to survive and thrive because we are united in both teachings and practices. Reinforced by God’s sent-ones and agents of unity, the apostles and their companions, the church remains consistent and strong because the true doctrines are being taught and the true works are being modeled by them.
As we reflect on the importance of unity in the Church, we are called to ask ourselves: How can I contribute to the unity of the church? Let us be intentional about building bridges, extending grace, and embracing this identity of ours while keeping our eyes fixed on the one true purpose—glorifying God and advancing His Kingdom together.
The church will not only survive but thrive, growing stronger in faith and numbers, as we fulfill our calling to be the living testimony of Christ in this world.
Reflection: What efforts do you make in keeping the unity in the church? When was the time that you truly felt the impact of unity?
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