by Ptr. Jhun Valeroso
Reading for the day: Romans 5:1-5
Sixteenth day of the seventh month in the year nineteen ninety.
That day and the days that followed afterwards were some of the most memorable moments of my childhood, though it was for a tragic reason, a deadly, perilous natural event.
At past four in the afternoon of the said date, I was at my friend’s house playing Nintendo Family Computer (a home video console). While everyone’s eyes were focused on the then modern, coloured Cathode Ray Tube TV screen, there was suddenly a roaring sound coming from the underground. Next thing we knew, the whole place was already shaking. For every second that passed, it seemed like the tremor got stronger and stronger. The shaking lasted for forty-five seconds and after that, everybody was shocked in fear. We were just struck by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake for forty-five seconds. Just forty-five seconds but it felt like forever.
Our city became secluded in the next few days. From a highly urbanized city, all of a sudden it became a remote town. All access roads were blocked by landslides. Bridges were damaged. Airport signals were all down. No electricity. No lines of communication.
Then one night came when we started hearing helicopter sounds above us. A glimmer of hope sparked as we were expecting that help was soon to come. And yes, we were right! For the next few weeks, that same sound played like relaxing music to many of us. Every time we hear it, it gives us hope that we will have something to eat for the next few days.
Trials are God’s way of saying
“I am here to help.”
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
Each time we experience trials, we always hope for it to pass right away and for the better days to come quickly. We can’t help but wish for something new and something better. There are times that we become hopeless after exhausting everything we can do. The truth remains that nobody can escape the hardships of life. Yes, even us 4th Watchers are not spared from life catastrophes. However, amidst our harsh conditions, let us be reminded that we have a God who is ready to help. Getting over trials is not all about us or what we can do. It is about how we know Him and what He can do for us. He is our living hope, our ever present help and mighty fortress.

New Year, New Hope, Same God
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8
In a couple of days, 2024 will come to an end. This year may have been tough for many of us, albeit to different degrees. No matter how hard or easy it was, for sure we experienced setbacks during the course of the year.
Though it was hard, God made it easy for us throughout the year. From emotional anxieties to financial problems, we saw how God got us through these setbacks. Isn’t it wonderful to think that though we are weak, we will be able to finish the year serving God? This is all because of His grace and love!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11
As we face the new year, we will be on a new trail of trials. Though it may sound ironic, we must be thankful to Him every time He tries us. Each trial that will come our way is an opportunity to trust God and hope for what is best for us. He knows us more than we know ourselves so let us show Him how much we know Him. Always hope and put our trust in the Lord because He’s got better plans for us.
The God who helped us get through 2024 is the same God who will be with us in 2025.
Reflection: When did you experience God’s help that you yourself can’t fathom?
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